Keeping touch. So it's been awhile since I last blogged to folk. With summer time in full swing, I have been vegging out somewhat. I try to catch my movies and escape this reality and then I try to stay grounded and rooted in daily activities. So this is more of a check in than anything else.
I will say that Im excited for July movies and even more to come for the summer. Im even excite about FUTURE movies how about that???
For instance there is already talk of Transformers 2 as early as next year!! Yeesh...Of course Marvel is pimping themselves out with all the comic turned movies filling the screen and actually doing a good job. I like the tie in with movies(The Hulk and IronMan) and it makes things pretty interesting for me to want to watch...YES!!!!
Anyway keep watching, pay your money too!! I might catch a bootleg here or there but I'm a movie fanatic so its all good....
Yeast Infection No More Review
Yeast An infection No Extra is a system written by creator Linda Allen that
gives a 5 step holistic strategy to curing candida, mostly known as a yeast
3 hours ago