I'm not the biggest tv watcher. I have a select number of shows that I watch and can't even say on a regular basis. I just have so much other things to do. I'm trying to get hip to Heros though. However, there is a show that I used to watch online on a regular basis. Shout out to O Sharp for putting me on to Man and Wife with Fatman Scoop and his wife Shanda. CHeck my ipod. I have almost all the episodes and I certainly put my crew on to some as well.
On the internet, they answer viewer emails, videos and phone calls about sex and relationships and it can get graphic, funny, but always real. I guess they worked a deal and eventually made it to MTV. The premiere was last night and I thought it would be watered down for TV's sake.
It was a decent premiere for those of you in tvland that have never seen it. Not sure how many episodes they are gonna have but Im definitely gonna try and pencil it in..
Get your google game together to see some of it or check out manandwife.tv