Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Holiday before the holiday

Now that I'm well into my 30's I have a confession. I appreciate my birthday more. I have been going all out since my 30th and I have become a true Sagittarius and am a full blown party animal when it comes time for it and I wouldn't have it any other way. 5 years later, Im still at it, but more than just party, I want to get my grown man on...so I have a few suggestions for not only my birthday but I think guys that are trying to clean themselves up a bit.

Caught up in the hype. At this stage in life, you should be able to tell the difference between reality and media hype. Getting caught up in entertainment hype, smoke and mirrors is so juvenile. Now what I really mean is that unless you are directly affected by the news, it is just that...news.

Buy things that you like, not things that you have been influenced to like. Doubt if Im gonna pay $200 for jeans...EVER. So I could care less who endorses it or who I've seen wearing it. My shoe game is pretty tight and I think longevity and good clothes are timeless. I think I'm classicly dressed with enough fashionista in me to survive these mean streets.

Accessories. I'm starting to look at more than just the clothes now, but some of the other gear that goes with it. The ties, the cufflinks, the watch and the belt. I'm into grown man sh^t now so when you're looking to get me a gift, don't think what you would get for your dad. Think what would you get for your cool older brother that your girlfriends all secretly have a crush on. Details on specifics might come a little later...