Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The plan.

For a little over a year now, I have tried to send "weekly positives" out to my friends. These arent forwards that I've grabbed from some email. These are straight up letters/emails sent to people in my life that I know personally. I may not speak to all of them on a regular basis and I have missed a week or two with the weekly positives, but everyone knows that they're genuine. I started it because of watching The Secret. If you are familiar with it, you know it deals with the laws of attraction and energy, which I do believe in. It doesnt replace my faith, it enhances my faith. So needless to say, having a deep moment today(since the 10th is my birthday) this was the weekly positive I sent. I share it with you because I want to...

35 years ago God had a plan. Although the plan isnt complete, its been a steady progression. There have been some setbacks, some redirections, some miscues, some victories and some losses. All in all though the plan has always moved forward. As another year passes and I get a little bit more mature(not old), I thank you for being a part of my life. Your energy helps me out in more ways than you know. I thank you for your birthday wishes. May God Bless you and keep you through this holiday season. Remember the reason for the season and I'll see/speak to you all soon...


6S said...

I haven't been getting my WPs... Change the tmo to att on my BB addy

Hustlin In Lipgloss said...

Happy Birthday boss